
Environmental Policy

To deliver and carry out an environmentally adapted service and maintenance work with a choice of materials with minimal possible environmental impact. To carry out Flight Inspection as efficiently as possible to minimize flight time and associated emissions. To comply with laws and regulations and meet the requirements of our supervisory authorities (Swedish Transport Agency, EASA, aircraft manufacturers, etc.

To manage resources such as water, electricity, and district heating, prevent waste generation through preventive work, and ensure that waste that can be recycled is sorted. That all company employees feel involved in environmental work and that BAM always strives to improve.

At all our workplaces, waste and material handling takes place in an environmentally friendly manner. Improvement of the work environment is naturally integrated into the BAM´s everyday routines. By using chemicals with the least possible impact on health, we do everything to maintain a good working environment. We are actively working to phase out chemicals that contain substances included in “Kemikalieinspektionens OBS och begränsningslistor” and to comply with the Environmental precautionary principle.

management system

BAM has a management system that meets the requirements according to ISO 14001: 2015
Aircraft service and maintenance, design and production of
aircraft parts and sales of aircraft and spare parts.